Climate Change, Hazards and Digitalisation


In this blog, Sam Wilkinson, committee member and communications lead on our Learned Society Committee, discusses IChemE’s ongoing learned society activity. Continue reading 质量效应:仙女座破解版-质量效应:仙女座3dm下载简体中文未 ...:2021-4-5 · 质量效应:仙女座3dm,《质量效应:仙女座》是EA发行的一款太空主题的沙盒探索类游戏,玩家将跟随自定义主角的视角来探索广阔的宇宙,与邪恶的外星生物战斗,本次放出质量效应:仙女座3dm破解版下载,无需登录STeam校验即可享受游戏。有需要的 ...

Posted on Categories EnvironmentTags climate change, digitalisation, learned society, 银河vp安装包, major hazardsLeave a comment一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我伊联系,伍便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我伊进行文章共享合作。
Storing surplus energy – IChemE Energy, Research Project & Outstanding Achievement Award Winner 2023


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Congratulations to the Birmingham Centre for Energy Storage, University of Birmingham and Jinhe Energy. They took home the Energy, Research Project and Outstanding Achievement Awards at the IChemE Global Awards 2023 for their project, ‘The NexGen-TEST Project’.

Continue reading Storing surplus energy – IChemE Energy, Research Project & Outstanding Achievement Award Winner 2023

Posted on Categories Energy, UncategorizedTags awards, energy, energy storage, researchLeave a comment on Storing surplus energy – IChemE Energy, Research Project & Outstanding Achievement Award Winner 2023


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That’s how Chartered Chemical Engineer and Chartered Mechanical Engineer Thomas Isaac felt after being presented with the Young Industrialist Award at the 银河加速器app 2023.

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Posted on Categories IndustryTags chartered chemical engineer, chartered mechanical engineer, chemical engineering, energy, gas, hydrogen, IChemE, IChemE Global Awards, progressive energy, young industrialist awardLeave a comment on Decarbonising the gas grid – IChemE Young Industrialist Award winner 2023
GUEST BLOG: STEM apprentices’ contribution to the COVID-19 pandemic


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From waste wood to useful goods – IChemE Young Researcher Award winner 2023


An Imperial College London PhD student turned co-founder of sustainable solutions company Chrysalix Technologies, chemical engineer Florence Gschwend is passionate about creating a clean future for all.

It’s her company’s initiative the BioFlex Process – a process that turns thousands of tonnes of unused biomass material, including agricultural residues, energy crops and waste construction wood, into new raw material – that won her the Younger Researcher Award at the IChemE Global Awards 2023.

To mark World Environment Day today (5 June), we’re sharing Florence’s story. In this video Florence explains more about how she and her colleagues are scaling up this sustainable technology and why she was delighted to be crowned the category winner at the IChemE Global Awards.

Do you know a young researcher who is using their technical knowledge to help address important economic, environmental or social issues?

Why not nominate them for the Young Researcher Award. Nominations are open now. The deadline for entries has been extended until 10 July 2023.

Find out more about this category and enter online at: 银河加速器app

This video was produced by CMA Video

Posted on Categories EnvironmentTags Biochemical, bioflex, 极光vpm破解无限版, biotechnology, 极光vpm破解无限版, clean, IChemE Global Awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, research, sustainability, sustainableLeave a comment on From waste wood to useful goods – IChemE Young Researcher Award winner 2023
A learned society with international reach

A learned society with international reach

In this blog, Sam Wilkinson, committee member and communications lead on the Learned Society Committee, discusses IChemE’s ongoing learned society activity that is contributing to achieving Aim 2 of Strategy 2024.

Continue reading A learned society with international reach

Posted on Categories Public银河vp安装包chemical engineering, covid-19, puffin浏览器官网, 极光vpm破解无限版, international, learned society, members groups, regional, SIG, Special Interest Group, strategy 2024, 银河vp安装包Leave a comment on A learned society with international reach
Thanking our volunteers for keeping our wheels turning during the coronavirus – UK Volunteers Week 2023

Thanking our volunteers for keeping our wheels turning during the coronavirus – UK Volunteers Week 2023

Our dedicated member volunteers around the world are the life and soul of the Institution. Without their efforts we couldn’t fulfil our duties as a qualifying body or a learned society. Or truly be an organisation that is led by members, supports members and serves society.

Their efforts and activities are appreciated by the Institution all year round. And, as part of IChemE’s Strategy 2024, we are working to further improve the volunteer experience to ensure the membership remains a vibrant and thriving community. This is one of President Stephen Richardson’s top priorities, and that’s why at the end of 2023 he initiated a two-year programme to improve support for and better recognise volunteers. We are currently reviewing processes and documentation and planning how we can better align and improve them across the organisation, whilst adopting best practice. We’ll provide further updates on this in the coming months as the programme of work progresses.

As we entered 2023, no-one could have predicted the effect coronavirus would have on individuals, organisations and our health services across the world. At IChemE, we’ve been adapting our procedures so we can still maintain the same standards of services to our members, and our fellow professionals across academia and industry. A huge thank you to all of our volunteers across the world who are leading this effort.

To mark Volunteers Week in the UK (1-7 June), we’re sharing stories from just a couple of our many UK volunteers to highlight their great contributions to help IChemE adapt in this pandemic. They explain why now it’s more important than ever to maintain safe and quality practices in chemical engineering to support the wider community.

Continue reading Thanking our volunteers for keeping our wheels turning during the coronavirus – UK Volunteers Week 2023

Posted on 无限ⅴpn下载Education, SafetyTags assessment, chemical engineering, education, IChemE, ICP, Individual Case Procedure, Loss Prevention Bulletin, process safety, qualifications, students, study, university1 Comment on Thanking our volunteers for keeping our wheels turning during the coronavirus – UK Volunteers Week 2023
Safely storing nuclear waste – IChemE Industry Project Award Winner 2023

Safely storing nuclear waste – IChemE Industry Project Award Winner 2023

At the IChemE Global Awards 2023, Sellafield received the Industry Project Award for their project 中文汉化|专业汉化网站 - · 中文汉化(中国汉化官网)是专业汉化[3D、影视后期、非编]常用软件及高级渲染器等外挂插件,专业制作晴窗汉化字典包,CG中文教程制作,CG资源共享.

Historically, there were no facilities in place to store nuclear waste safely. Sellafield Ltd undertook a large-scale project to remove the hazardous waste and debris from the open ponds transferring this into safe storage facilities. This was only possible with the collective knowledge of chemical engineers who were all integral to the project.

Learn more from Simon Degler and Nick Elliott who are delighted to be recognised for their achievements in this video:

Has your organisation implemented an exciting project related to construction of new industrial plant or enhancement of existing facilities? If so, enter now for the IChemE Global Awards 2023.

Entries are now open until 26 June 2023. Visit:

This video was produced by CMA Video.

极光vpm破解无限版Categories IndustryTags 极光vpm破解无限版, chemical engineering, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, Industry Project, process engineering, puffin浏览器官网, 蚂蚁vp(永久免费)Leave a commentSonicWALL_IPSec_VPN_方案_图文_百度文库:2021-10-9 · XXXX 有限公司 VPN 解决方案 青岛银河星辰科技有限公司 2021 年 4 月 1 日 青岛银河星星辰科技有限公司 前 言 随着计算机技术和通讯技术的飞速发展,网络正逐步改变着人伊的工作方式和生活方式, 成为当今社会发展的一个主题。
Guest Blog: Account from Asia Pacific on the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on chemical engineers in the region

Guest Blog: Account from Asia Pacific on the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on chemical engineers in the region

In today’s guest blog, chemical engineer David Platts tells us how he has been working to share knowledge to support chemical engineers in his region during the coronavirus outbreak.

DSCF5083银河加速器下载: David Platts

Job title and organisation: NZ based Food Industry Consultant (semi-retired)

IChemE role: Member of the Learned Society Committee and Subject Area Lead Food


银河加速器app In discussions with IChemE members in my region, it was evident that although much information published globally was centred on the major economic centres, we too had interesting stories to share regarding our response to the COVID-19 pandemic in Asia Pacific.

Working with the country chairs in Australia and New Zealand, and fellow Learned Society Committee member Alexandra Meldrum, a series of short webinars was planned highlighting how we were navigating the myriad of the challenges brought about by pandemic.

We asked two subject specialists to join us for the first webinar on 23 March. Both presenters shared some thought-provoking content which was extremely relevant to current events, but also challenged us to carefully consider future actions post the pandemic.

Trish Kerin, Director of the IChemE Safety Centre, gave a presentation titled “Decision Making in a Crisis”. Clearly this topic was of much interest to the delegates as we are indeed in a crisis and, for many, this provides many challenges to leadership. A key aspect that I took from the talk was that good leaders need to develop a well-stocked bank account of trust with the people they are leading. This point, I suggest, is highlighted by some of the differing global leadership styles that we are witnessing in many countries.

The second presentation was by Kennie Tsui, Principal Analyst at the New Climate Commission and board member of Engineering New Zealand. Kennie talked in depth about climate change issues going forward. Kennie gave us a vision of what could happen post COVID-19 if we let the brakes off too quickly, referencing the bounce back in emissions following the global financial crisis of 2008. We have a decision to make, follow a new path that leads to meeting our goals for emissions reductions or accelerate those emissions thereby making the challenges even more difficult. A direction that we need to carefully manage – informed and well communicated decisions are critical.

We do hope that those who viewed the presentations found them valuable. If you missed the webinar it can be viewed on the IChemE Safety Centre YouTube channel here.

For the future, please keep your eye open for more webinars as we would like to expand this initiative to the wider Asia Pacific region with more varied content. If you have stories to share, please contact us via the regional members portals for New Zealand and Australia. We would love to hear from you.无限ⅴpn下载


For more information on how IChemE is responding to the coronavirus outbreak, please visit our Coronavirus Information Hub.

Posted on Categories SafetyTags IChemE, IChemE Safety centre, process engineering, 无限ⅴpn下载Leave a comment on Guest Blog: Account from Asia Pacific on the impact of the coronavirus outbreak on chemical engineers in the region
‘Changing communities. Changing lives’ – Marking Volunteers Week in Australia

‘Changing communities. Changing lives’ – Marking Volunteers Week in Australia

As a membership organisation that is led by members, supports members and serves society, volunteers are the lifeblood of the Institution.

Without our member volunteers, we simply couldn’t fulfil our obligations as a qualifying body or a learned society. Their enthusiasm and drive to help fellow members, the chemical engineering community and wider society is palpable.

Continue reading ‘Changing communities. Changing lives’ – Marking Volunteers Week in Australia

Posted on 佛跳墙最新破解版银河加速器app, SafetyTags Australia, chemical engineering, education, IChemE, process safety, volunteer, puffin浏览器官网Leave a comment on ‘Changing communities. Changing lives’ – Marking Volunteers Week in Australia

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Established 20 years ago, University College London (UCL) launched the Bioprocess Engineering Leadership Centre to train the next generation of leaders for the bioprocess industry.

For this, they were presented with the Training and Development Award at the IChemE Global Awards 2023.

Many of the projects are in collaboration with the pharma and biotech industries. Doctoral students primarily focus on problems that look into developing new pharmaceutical medicines and how they can reach the patients that need them.

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Proud to be recognised for their achievements, here are Gary Lye and Frank Baganz from UCL talking about the project:

Have you got a training scheme worthy of an IChemE Global Award 2023? Nominations are open until 26 June 2023.

Find out more and enter online at:

This video was produced by CMA Video.

银河加速器appCategories 无限ⅴpn下载Tags Biochemical, chemical engineering, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, process engineering, Training and Development, UCL, WinnersLeave a comment on Training the future bioprocess leaders – IChemE Training and Development Award Winner 2023
New device allows for controlled medicine release – IChemE Innovative Product & Pharma Award Winners 2023

New device allows for controlled medicine release – IChemE Innovative Product & Pharma Award Winners 2023

It was double celebrations for Micropore Technologies, who won in both the Innovative Product and Pharma categories at the IChemE Global Awards 2023 for their project Membrane Emulsification Finally Come of Age.

The team at Micropore Technologies have designed and developed a device (AXF-7), that will allow drugs with complex molecules to be delivered through a standard size needle and released in the body at a controlled rate, as well as making it easier for the patient to administer the drug themselves.

Find out more about the project in this video:

If you have a project demonstrating the best in process or technology in the pharmaceutical sector, why not enter the IChemE Global Awards 2023?

Entries are now open until 26 June 2023. Visit:

This video was produced by 佛跳墙最新破解版.

极光vpm破解无限版Categories puffin浏览器官网Tags Biochemical, chemical engineering, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, Innovative product, Micropore Technologies, Pharma, process engineering, WinnersLeave a comment on New device allows for controlled medicine release – IChemE Innovative Product & Pharma Award Winners 2023
Challenging ‘change’ and improving process safety – IChemE Process Safety Award Winner 2023

Challenging ‘change’ and improving process safety – IChemE Process Safety Award Winner 2023

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With process safety at the heart of all their decisions,  ExxonMobil put in place the Delta HAZOP programme, which builds upon the original ICI HAZOP process used to design and build inherently safe facilities.

In addition, ExxonMobil also use the IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin to understand the key learnings from horrific events such as the chemical explosion in Bhopal, India.

Watch this video to find out more about this project:

Do you have an award-worthy process safety project that you’d like to enter in the IChemE Global Awards 2023? Find out more and submit your entry by 26 June 2023 at:

This video was produced by CMA Video.

Posted on Categories SafetyTags Biochemical, 极光vpm破解无限版, Delta HAZOP, ExxonMobil, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, Loss Prevention Bulletin, LPB, 银河加速器下载, process safety, WinnersLeave a comment on Challenging ‘change’ and improving process safety – IChemE Process Safety Award Winner 2023

GUEST BLOG: Chemical engineers and the diagnostics challenge

In today’s guest blog, chemical engineer Al Edwards discusses how chemical engineers are responding to the diagnostics challenge that has arisen to support the response to the coronavirus pandemic. Continue reading GUEST BLOG: Chemical engineers and the diagnostics challenge

Posted on Categories UncategorizedTags Biochemical, Bioengineering, chemical engineering, pharmaceuticals, process engineeringLeave a comment on GUEST BLOG: Chemical engineers and the diagnostics challenge


In today’s guest blog, Chartered Chemical Engineer and IChemE Fellow Richard Cousins, explains a recent member continuing professional development (CPD) sampling exercise undertaken by IChemE.

A member of IChemE’s Professional Formation Forum and a CPD Assessor Panel Lead, he reviews the key lessons from the sampling exercise, and what comes next.

Continue reading GUEST BLOG: Key lessons from CPD sampling

Posted on Categories Education无限ⅴpn下载chartered chemical engineer, continuing professional development, CPD, education, Fellow, IChemE, membership, professional development, Professional Formation ForumLeave a comment on GUEST BLOG: Key lessons from CPD sampling
Sustainably converting natural gas to renewable materials – IChemE Oil and Gas Award Winner 2023

Sustainably converting natural gas to renewable materials – IChemE Oil and Gas Award Winner 2023

Haldor Topsøe A/S received the Oil and Gas Award at the IChemE Global Awards 2023 for their TiGAS™ Project.

Recognising that natural gas flared into the atmosphere is a waste of resource, the team set out to find a way to convert natural gas, or any carbon containing source, into synthetic gasoline, resulting in better utilisation of resource and therefore more efficient and environmentally friendly too.

Hear more about this project from Finn Joensen and Angelica Hidalgo Vivas, who were extremely pleased to have won the IChemE Oil and Gas Award 2023.:

Entries are open for the IChemE Global Awards 2023. If you have an exciting chemical engineering project that you’d like to enter for this category, find out more and enter at:

This video was produced by CMA Video.

Posted on Categories IndustryTags Biochemical, 银河vp安装包, Haldor Topsøe A/S, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, Oil and Gas, process engineering, TiGAS™ Project, WinnersLeave a comment on Sustainably converting natural gas to renewable materials – IChemE Oil and Gas Award Winner 2023
Teamwork fires up flare in seven months – IChemE Team Award Winner 2023

Teamwork fires up flare in seven months – IChemE Team Award Winner 2023

Nippon Gohsei had to find a way to avoid a non-planned shutdown of operations, so they formed a team with Engie Fabricom UK, Ineos Oxide and Zeeco to ensure that production could continue.

Taking a collaborative approach they were able to successfully achieve their goal of installing a fully functioning flare, and all within seven months.

Their exceptional teamwork earned them the IChemE Global Award 2023 in the Team Award category. Hear more from the winners in this video:

Do you have a project demonstrating excellent teamwork? Enter the IChemE Global Awards 2023, which is open for nomination until 26 June 2023.

Find out more about the category and enter at:

This video was produced by CMA Video

Posted on Categories IndustryTags Biochemical, chemical engineering, 极光vpm破解无限版, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, Ineos Oxide, Nippon Gohsei, 银河vp安装包, Team Award, Teamwork, Winners, Zeeco1 Comment on Teamwork fires up flare in seven months – IChemE Team Award Winner 2023

Converting wastewater to clean water and energy – IChemE Water Award Winner 2023

In Singapore resource is quite constrained, so with this in mind Jacobs Engineering and the Singapore Public Utilities Board developed an ingenious idea by creating a membrane bioreactor to recover wastewater, reclaiming this vital resource for future use.

Winning the IChemE Global Awards 2023 in the Water Award category, their project 佛跳墙最新破解版, managed to combine the elements of wastewater and fully recover this back into drinking-grade water. Not only that, the project has managed to simultaneously implement a circular economy by creating an energy recovery process, all-in-all providing a sustainable outcome.

Here are Chew Chee Keong and Colin Newbury talking about the project in more detail:

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Entries are now open until 26 June 2023. Visit:

This video was produced by CMA Video.

Posted on Categories WaterTags Biochemical, chemical engineering, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, Jacobs Engineering and PUB, 蚂蚁vp(永久免费), Singapore National Water Agency, water, WinnersLeave a comment on Converting wastewater to clean water and energy – IChemE Water Award Winner 2023
GUEST BLOG: Individual Case Procedure

GUEST BLOG: Individual Case Procedure

At IChemE we’re undertaking a series of projects that aim to improve member services, service delivery and the sustainability of our Institution.

One of these is an overarching project called Programme SMART which, as IChemE’s Vice President of Qualifications Ainslie Just discussed in our recent blog, aims to deliver sustainable membership growth.

In today’s blog, Rob Best who is the Chair of the Individual Case Procedure Task and Finish Group, provides an update on one of the projects in the “Flexible Pathways to Membership” area of Programme SMART.

Continue reading GUEST BLOG: Individual Case Procedure

Posted on Categories EducationTags chartered chemical engineer, chemical engineering, education, education and accreditation forum, Fellow, IChemE, ICP, Individual Case Procedure, Institution of Chemical Engineers, Programme SMART, 极光vpm破解无限版Leave a comment on GUEST BLOG: Individual Case Procedure
Innovative BPA-free coating provides safe food packaging – IChemE Food & Drink Award Winner 2023

Innovative BPA-free coating provides safe food packaging – IChemE Food & Drink Award Winner 2023

Bitrez Ltd took home the IChemE Global Award 2023 in the Food and Drink category for their product Curaphen.

Specialising in manufacturing synthetic resins and advanced polymers, Bitrez Ltd have developed an alternative to Bisphenol A (BPA)-based coatings used in food and drink products. Curaphen, is a BPA-free phenolic resin, which is completely safe and provides the same internal protection in food packaging.

This innovative solution has been a game-changer in the industry and has earned Bitrez Ltd the Queen’s Award as a result.

Paul Jones explains more in this video about the many benefits to Curaphen:

If you have a project, process or product that showcases innovation to optimise manufacturing operations and contribute to the manufacturing of safe, sustainable food or drink, then enter the IChemE Global Awards 2023 here.

Entries are now open until 26 June 2023. Visit:

This video was produced by CMA Video.

Posted on Categories FoodTags Biochemical, Bitrez, chemical engineering, Food and Drink, 佛跳墙最新破解版, IChemE Global Awards 2023, 无限ⅴpn下载, 蚂蚁vp(永久免费)Leave a comment on Innovative BPA-free coating provides safe food packaging – IChemE Food & Drink Award Winner 2023

Microwave technology produces high quality graphene – IChemE Business Start-up Award Winner 2023

Winner of the IChemE Global Awards 2023 in the Business Start-up category was University College London (UCL), for their project, Continuous Graphene Manufacturing by Microwave.

In what was a five-year long project, the team at UCL were successful in their mission to develop a new material for the industry using microwave technology to effectively and efficiently transfer data quickly without using too much energy.

Graphene, which is a high-grade single sheet of 2D carbon material, is made up of lots of chemical and physical properties and can enhance the energy storage intensity. The challenge now for the team is to find a way to create larger quantities in an economical way.

Find out more about this project in the Winners video:

Have you been working on a Business Start-up project that demonstrates contribution to advancing the chemical, biochemical or process industries? If yes, then enter the Global Awards 2023 this year and be in for the chance to take home the award in 2023.

Entries are now open until 26 June 2023. Visit:

This video was produced by CMA Video .

Posted on Categories 银河vp安装包Tags Biochemical, 银河vp安装包, chemical engineering, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, process engineering, UCL, WinnersLeave a comment on Microwave technology produces high quality graphene – IChemE Business Start-up Award Winner 2023
Creating a culture for everyone – IChemE Diversity & Inclusion Award Winner 2023

Creating a culture for everyone – IChemE Diversity & Inclusion Award Winner 2023

As an organisation, Costain have been implementing various initiatives to “create a culture where everyone can be their best.” At the IChemE Global Awards 2023, Costain won the Diversity and Inclusion Award, for their commitment to become a diverse employer.

In this video, Clara Wicks shares more about Costain’s strategy to recruit, attract and retain a diverse workforce and hopes this will encourage more women to consider a career in a chemical engineering industry.

Is your organisation best demonstrating a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within its workforce, sector or business practices? You can enter for this category in the IChemE Global Awards 2023.

Entries are now open until 26 June 2023. Visit:

This video was produced by CMA Video.

Posted on Categories Equality银河加速器appBiochemical, chemical engineering, Costain, Diversity and Inclusion, equality, 银河加速器下载, 极光vpm破解无限版, IWD2023, process engineering, WinnersLeave a comment on Creating a culture for everyone – IChemE Diversity & Inclusion Award Winner 2023
New generation of medicine for patients: IChemE Biotechnology Award Winner 2023

New generation of medicine for patients: IChemE Biotechnology Award Winner 2023

Addressing the need to generate new medicines and treatments for patients at a faster pace was something that UK consortium group – CPI, UCB Celltech, Lonza Pharma and Biotech, Horizon Discovery, Sphere Fluidics, and Alcyomics, have been developing over the past four years and earned them the IChemE Global Award 2023 in the 佛跳墙最新破解版 category.

“If you involve chemical engineers earlier, you can get more manufacturable solutions earlier. It’s having that translational mindset in the project from an early stage, which makes a massive difference.”

The project incorporated various sectors of the biopharmaceutical industry together and working as team help advance the production and delivery of medication to patients more efficiently.

Hear more about the project in this video:

If you have what it takes, why not enter the IChemE Global Awards 2023 now:

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This video was produced by CMA Video.

Posted on Categories Healthpuffin浏览器官网Alcyomics, Biochemical, biopharmaceuticals, 蚂蚁vp(永久免费), chemical engineering, CPI, Health, 极光vpm破解无限版, IChemE awards, IChemE Global Awards 2023, Lonza Pharma, process engineering, Sphere Fluidics, UCB Celltech, WinnersLeave a comment on New generation of medicine for patients: IChemE Biotechnology Award Winner 2023


Programme SMART (Sustainable Membership Achieved via Robust Transactions) is a group of four member-led projects designed to deliver sustainable membership growth.

When it was initiated in 2017, members were consulted and webinars were held to inform the membership of its aims.

We’re now beginning to deliver some of the changes and so we wanted to provide an update on progress of the projects, and we will continue to do this via The Chemical Engineer and this blog throughout 2023.

In today’s blog, IChemE Vice President (Qualifications) Ainslie Just provides more detail on Programme SMART and its progress.

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Posted on Categories EducationTags chartered, Engineering Council, membership, Programme SMART, qualificationsLeave a comment on GUEST BLOG: SMART thinking
Chatting Chartered status and biosector careers with students at Frank Morton

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Hundreds of chemical engineering students from across the UK and Ireland descended on central Birmingham this week for the annual Frank Morton Careers Fair.

蚂蚁vp(永久免费)It was a great chance for us to connect with so many of our Student Members at the event – this year hosted by the University of Birmingham.

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Addressing the Grand Challenges


Our mission, as set out in Strategy 2024, is to be a vibrant learned society that addresses the 佛跳墙最新破解版.

IChemE’s principal technical committee, the Learned Society Committee (LSC), has been tasked with engaging IChemE’s members around delivering this.

LSC has prioritised focussing its initial work on responsible production, major hazard identification and management, and digitalisation. Below are the initial interpretations of these priorities.

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Posted on Categories EnvironmentTags energy, grand challenges, grand challenges for engineering, learned society, 银河加速器app, presidential address, responsible production, sustainability, Sustainability SIGLeave a comment on Addressing the Grand Challenges
Influencing policy: addressing sustainable energy and water challenges

Influencing policy: addressing sustainable energy and water challenges

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Posted on Categories 银河加速器app, WaterTags advanced oxidation processes, bio-plastics, carbon capture, energy, energy efficiency, food strategy, 佛跳墙最新破解版, IChemE Energy Centre, nuclear, Parliament, policy, sustainable, waterLeave a comment on Influencing policy: addressing sustainable energy and water challenges

Sharing lessons to improve competence and capability in process safety – #HazardsAus2023

Chemical and process engineers are key contributors to making working environments safer.

Sharing good practice in this is vital. And so is sharing lessons that have been learned along the way.

That’s why each year we bring leading chemical and process safety experts across Australia and New Zealand together at our conference Hazards Australasia.

This year’s event at the Hilton Brisbane, Australia on 13-14 November 2023 focusses on the theme ‘competence and capability’ and the technical programme features a new panel made up of process safety experts from the regulating bodies across the two regions.

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Posted on Categories 无限ⅴpn下载Tags Australia, chemical engineer, hazard, Hazards Australasia, IChemE, New Zealand, process safety, regulation, risk, safety1 Comment on Sharing lessons to improve competence and capability in process safety – #HazardsAus2023
GUEST BLOG: Why I support my chemical engineering community in…Aberdeen

GUEST BLOG: Why I support my chemical engineering community in…Aberdeen

Activities to share knowledge and support the professional development of chemical engineers are happening in a whole host of communities across the world every day.

At IChemE, we have various communities that focus on helping individuals enhance their technical knowledge, competence and skills, as well as assist them in becoming professionally qualified engineers.

We have many enthusiastic members who volunteer in our communities, so will be sharing their stories in specialist areas and regions in regular blogs.

In this blog, Jim O’Donnell, Chair of the Aberdeen Members Group, explains more about what the group does to support all levels of chemical engineers in their region and why he feels younger members in particular can play a positive role in shaping a sustainable future for our Institution and the profession.

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Posted on 银河vp安装包银河vp安装包Tags aberdeen, Career, 蚂蚁vp(永久免费), continuing professional development, CPD, energy, IChemE, Memebrs Group, 银河加速器下载, technicalLeave a comment on GUEST BLOG: Why I support my chemical engineering community in…Aberdeen


Our members want to know more about how we support them to influence the development of national policies that affect chemical engineering.

Following this feedback from our member engagement survey, we are bringing you regular updates on the various policy areas in which we work with our members to provide evidence that inform policy- and decision-makers.

In our latest blog, we explain more on our collaborative approach with the National Engineering Policy Centre to urge the Government to spend more on research and development, what’s new for IChemE’s Energy Centre, as well as an update on the various consultation responses that we are working on.

Continue reading Influencing policy: pushing R&D investment and the food agenda

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GUEST BLOG: Policy central

We work closely with many engineering bodies in the UK; particularly when providing evidence to inform policy-makers. It is important that we collaborate across the engineering disciplines to provide one unanimous voice on policy issues.

In today’s blog, Nick Starkey, the Director of Policy at the Royal Academy of Engineering, explains why engineering input is so crucial for policy-makers, and how we can be far more effective in influencing positive action that will benefit society by working together.

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Posted on Categories 无限ⅴpn下载Tags 佛跳墙最新破解版, IChemE, National Engineering Policy Centre, 银河加速器app, Royal Academy of EngineeringLeave a comment on GUEST BLOG: Policy central